Zaros - Home page

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I'm Zaros. When I'm not playing video games, I tend to play around with my Linux system. Politics interests me greatly as do religion and mathematics. Put simply: socialism is the answer, superstitious religions should die off and mathematics is incredibly beautiful. I'm currently studying to become a mathematics and physics teacher, we'll see how that'll turn out. On this site probably the most notable thing is my blog in which I write my random thoughts time to time. Nothing I say there should be taken too seriously nor regarded as my complete views on matters.

It should also be noted that I don't put too much effort into the English version of my site. I only translate my posts rarely (if ever) and I'm also very lazy at updating the English side in general. Currently the useful sites section in particular is rather outdated. Contact information and PGP-key should be up to date though.

A list of useful and interesting sites

Random Thoughts (contents)

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